Saturday, September 19, 2015

Coming Soon: Museum Mischief

Museum Mischief by Kenn Dahll


A distinguished gentleman with a sizeable inheritance volunteers as a docent at a Washington, D. C. museum only to find himself perturbed by outrageous comments from a fledgling young artist. The younger man’s comments concern nubile young swimmers in an Impressionist painting leading him to assert the artist might have been a pedophile. Why is James so discombobulated by Kasey assertions? Could he be hiding something?

When Kasey manipulates James into admitting he’s gay and agreeing to take the artist to a club featuring male strippers, James is even more disoriented. Eventually James develops a fondness for the impulsive youth to the extent he becomes concerned about looking foolish to his friends−afraid to be labeled a “dirty old man,” or “cradle robber.”

In desperation, James takes an extended leave of absence from the museum and travels alone to France. While strolling in Montmartre, he decides to end the troubling relationship; a decision he relates to Kasey upon returning from his trip. The perceptive young man delivers a candid tirade before storming away, leaving James to ponder the wisdom of his actions.
Warnings: This title contains graphic language and sex.
Word Count: 8,000

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Sexy South Florida

Sun and sex!

Sand and sex!

Surfers and sex!

Here’s how my first story set in South Florida begins:

“For all its wealth, the main draw for me of the City of Palm Beach, Florida, is the number of surfer dudes that can be found on the city beach. There is something about the positioning of the beach relative to the Gulf Stream that allows for good surfing conditions−particularly when the tropics are acting up. Because of parking restrictions, the surfers usually come to Palm Beach packed into a single vehicle. The thought of being tangled up with those hot boys in baggy shorts gets my balls tingling as I drive my convertible across the bridge over the Intracoastal Waterway to the barrier island that is home to Palm Beach.”
Published in Alyson Books’ “Best Gay Stories of 2009,” the story, “Not Looking for Love,” illustrates my contention that you should “write what you know.” At the time of writing it my job in Palm Beach County required extensive travel throughout the area, so I was familiar with the coast and inland areas that play prominent roles in the story. It’s not a travelogue however, as my alter ego Trent offers college student Chad a ride in his bright red convertible. The ride ends with the duo in Trent’s bed fucking their brains out.
Several torrid sex scenes−including the deflowering of Chad−propel the narrative forward. All of Trent’s efforts to slow the relationship down are futile and the couple are still together ten years later when the story ends.
A word about the title, I saw it as a play on the Johnny Lee country song containing the lyric “looking for love in all the wrong places.” The story sets the place and love is unexpectedly the result.
I used South Florida as the locale for several stories that I will discuss in subsequent blogs.

Note: This story was reissued with Excessica Publishers as “Subtropical Trilogy 2: Not Looking for Love”: 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

How I Got into Writing Gay Erotica

I can’t remember the title of the first story I wrote for publication, but I do remember the setting−a government office building in New York City where I worked. The characters also remain with me. The POV was first person; besides the stand in for myself the other character was an extremely sexy custodial worker who ended up naked on my office couch. In the late 1980s it was accepted for publication in a “one-hand magazine” and I received a free one year’s subscription as payment for putting my fantasy in writing.

Not until late in the first decade of this century did I make another attempt at being published. My newly created pseudonym in hand, I submitted “South Sea Sex” to Alyson Books for inclusion in “Island Boys: Tropical Gay Erotica.” I used the Internet to research an exotic locale, creating a nameless island somewhere in the region of “Tonga, Papeete, Tuamotu” where the red-haired protagonist ventures away from the cruise ship tour group and encounters a scantily clad young man of the local tribe. From there my imagination took the story to the paranormal as the youth was a specter. The hero’s subsequent sexual encounter with the dead aboriginal and then with his brother and the involvement of the tribe’s shaman resulted in a very satisfying, erotic yet romantic resolution.

Being selected for inclusion in the anthology prompted me to consider writing more stories; but of what, with whom, and set where? These questions guided me to a basic principle: “Write what you know.” In spite of the purely fantastical nature of the first story, I made a conscious decision to write a story set where I lived−South Florida. “Not Looking for Love,” set in Palm Beach County, was included in “Best Gay Love Stories of 2009” again from Alyson Books.

In addition to locale, that story was the first in which I encountered a situation that quickly grew into a story. As I drove along A1A I saw a young man carrying a surfboard from the beach to the mainland. While we were both stopped at a drawbridge I fantasized about inviting him to ride in my convertible. My imagination constructed an erotic May/December romance−well, maybe May/August.

Subsequently “Soaring with a Hawk” was in “Best Gay Stories of 2010.” That was the first installment in what eventually became “Frontier Brothers,” set before, during, and after the Civil War. The four stories separately and the compilation into a print book can be found at and remain among my best selling titles.

I moved to Excessica in 2011 with another story set in South Florida: “Getting Wet in the Mall.” It was relatively successful and I followed quickly with more stories in that locale. In future blogs, I plan to discuss further the South Florida stories I released through Excessica.